“People’s Instinctive Travels”, as we will now refer to the album, is one of those albums where it is very obvious from the first listen that the phrase ‘groundbreaking’ is fitting. The L.A. Times described the album as consisting of "mostly happy hip-hop, featuring gently humorous, casual, conversational raps" and on the surface that’s exactly what it is but layered below those lyrics is a production that is inventive and ingenious.
Comprising of everyday sounds sampled by the group, along with samples from overlooked artists and in the case of artists who were frequently sampled, Q-Tip would take samples unique to each artist. What we are left with is some thrilling soundscapes that underlay the laid-back vocals and lyrics of Tribe. Recording of the album began in 1989 and it would take the group just Three months to finish. The group chose Calliope Studios as their primary recording space as they were known for promoting artistic freedom, something integral to the group’s sound. I mention the laid-back sound but I don’t want it to come across as though Tribe’s sound was immature or casual; there is a real refinement and polish to the sound on “People’s Instinctive Travels” which counter balances the at times playful break beats.

The Final Word
Like a box of positives is a plus, love
As the Tribe flies high like a dove”
Till next time Brewers,