Iron Maiden - Senjutsu

Iron Maiden - Senjutsu

Iron Maiden return with, wait for it folks Senjitsu… their 17th studio album. The prolific British heavy metal band show no sign of fading away with this new album. Now well into there 46th year as a band it’s incredible to hear an album still sound so fresh and modern.

Iron Maiden return with, wait for it folks Senjutsu… their 17th studio album. The prolific British heavy metal band show no sign of fading away with this new album. Now well into there 46th year as a band it’s incredible to hear an album still sound so fresh and modern.

Senjutsu’s (roughly translated as Tactics and Strategy) cover shows the bands mascot Eddie on the cover in full samurai garb holding a katana. The band return with heavy drums, heavy guitar, soaring vocals and epic lyrics with the opening track coming in at just over 8 minutes long this is one for the true fan.

Iron Maiden never disappoint and Senjutsu isn’t changing that. The guys have been doing this for so long that they know what works, what the fans want, and they deliver it. Legends of rock and a band that should be in everyone’s collection, Senjutsu is a nice place to start with it’s legendary sound and amazing cover art.

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