Obongjayar - Some Nights I Dream

Obongjayar - Some Nights I Dream

Steven Umoh better known as Obongjayar is a Nigerian artist based in the UK. When it comes time to describe the sound that is Some Nights I Dream we come to an almost stand still.
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Steven Umoh better known as Obongjayar is a Nigerian artist based in the UK. When it comes time to describe the sound that is Some Nights I Dream we come to an almost stand still. With clear influences from his Nigerian heritage and American hip-hop there is a combo that is ever changing.

Now that might sound like a jumbled mess of sound, but it is anything but that. The flow that is produced by Obongjayar is clear and deliberate and works so well. From spoken word to rap what stands out is the strength of Obongjayar voice. Some Nights I Dream is a progression of sound that explores every aspect of what music can do.

Is this for everyone, probably not, but I think if you give this a chance, you will be pleasantly surprised and sure who doesn’t love discovering some new music. Experimental in a controlled way, at no point does it sound like the track has gotten away from Obongjayar. Looking for something completely new, then this is for you.

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